New Mover Program Case Study

Multi-Touch New Mover Program Proves Successful for Midwest Hospital


The New Mover is one of the most attractive audiences for a hospital system. As newcomers to the market, they are seeking new provider relationships for themselves or their families. The healthcare system partnered with LionShare to develop a multiple-touch direct mail campaign targeting individuals who had recently moved into the market area. The primary goal was to educate new movers about the healthcare system and their physician group services. By communicating at the most opportune time, this program helps establish lifelong relationships between these individuals and families. To best capitalize on this specific market share, LionShare recommended monthly mailings to the new mover mail list. This mail list is based on the selected market areas’ geographical location, required selections and sources available in the market area.

Integrated Solution

LionShare produced a customized turnkey program from the initial development to end fulfillment utilizing best practices, which included:

  • SWOT analysis of past new mover campaign – Measuring the effectiveness and identifying opportunities by reviewing past response data
  • Market area assessment – Examining previous campaign performance to identify best-performing zip codes and market gaps to help build the new mover mailing list
  • Creative development – Crafting messaging points to resonate with the target audience, designing a multi-touch campaign to stay top-of-mind with new movers and determining a response mechanism (individuals may respond via business reply card or online, making their preference data available for hospital use)
  • “Free offer” and retention piece – Deciding upon the best “free offer” and retention piece based on past offer performance

Success Criteria & Results

To determine if the campaign succeeded in meeting the original goals, LionShare used DIATA®, its business intelligence tool, to compare utilization and downstream revenue between the mail and control groups. After measuring 15 months of downstream patient encounter data and new mover response data, it was determined the New Mover Program met and exceeded the success criteria determined at the study onset.

Success Criteria


Produce a positive return on investment The campaign generated a ROI of 534%, or $6.34 in profit for every $1.00 spent on marketing.
Quantify Net Revenue Over $687,000 more in Net Revenue was generated than had the campaign not been executed.
Increase visit utilization rates 17% marketing lift in visits above control group.