Program Overview
A mid-Atlantic children’s medical center partnered with LionShare to engage pediatric households and drive subsequent business through a targeted direct mail campaign. The two main campaign goals included, driving volumes to three designated outpatient pediatric centers and increasing the overall system utilization. Additionally, since this was the medical center’s first time using a targeted approach with direct mail, it was imperative they be able to quantify results and demonstrate success. In order to meet this need, the incorporation of a random, control group was considered critical.
Integrated Solution
With the use of DIATA, LionShare launched the initiative. The pre-campaign phase included overlaying demographic, psychographic and medical propensity information onto existing patient households in order to develop a profile of current patient households. Armed with a snapshot of the “Ideal Mom”, the next phase of the campaign included identifying additional “Ideal Mom” households. With the audience profiling and list preparation complete, three distinct pieces were mailed into the targeted households over a period of seven weeks. At six months post campaign, utilization analysis began to quantify the success and/or identify opportunities for enhancements. Patient household utilization at the designated outpatient centers as well as system-wide, was measured. New vs. existing patient encounters were also analyzed in order to evaluate acquisition levels. Based on the above analysis and completion of the control group comparison, it was clear the campaign exceeded the expectations in terms of volumes and financial ROI. The campaign has since served as a blueprint for additional direct marketing efforts.
Success Criteria |
Result |
Drive and quantify new patient volumes to targeted locations | 209 (42%) more New Patients were generated over those expected based on the control group comparison |
Demonstrate a system-wide, positive ROI in terms of payments | The program generated a 521% ROI, or $6.21 in return for every $1.00 spent. |
Demonstrate financial impact to targeted locations | Total payments generated were over $249k greater than those expected based on the control group comparison |